Уроки PureBasic



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Уроки PureBasic Уроки PureBasic

Запрет на запуск, больше одного раза.

Расположить в начале кода программы :
;--------Запрет на запуск больше одного раза--------------- *a = CreateSemaphore_(NULL,0,1,GetProgramName()) If *a <> 0 And GetLastError_()= #ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS CloseHandle_(*a) End EndIf ;--------------------------------------------------------- </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"> <p><a name="22"></a></p><h2 align="center">Гаджет линия</h2><br> <center><img src="img/Line.png" width="456" height="309" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> ; ///////////////////////Гаджет линия///////////////////////////////// Procedure LineGadgetHeight(Gadget, x, y, Height, color) Im=CreateImage(#PB_Any, 1, Height) If Im If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(Im)) Line(0,0, 0,Height ,color) ; для PB4.40 Line(0,0, 1,Height ,color) StopDrawing() ImageGadget(Gadget,x, y, 1,Height,ImageID(Im)) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure LineGadgetWidth(Gadget, x, y, Width, color) Im=CreateImage(#PB_Any, Width, 1) If Im If StartDrawing(ImageOutput(Im)) Line(0,0, Width,0 ,color) ; для PB4.40 Line(0,0, Width,1 ,color) StopDrawing() ImageGadget(Gadget,x, y, Width,1,ImageID(Im)) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure ; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenWindow(0, 100, 100, 450, 280, "Заголовок", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowColor(0, $ffffff) LineGadgetWidth (1, 20, 40, 300, $6C6C6C) LineGadgetWidth (2, 20, 50, 300, $6C6C6C) ;-------------------------------------- LineGadgetHeight(3, 40, 20, 200, $0501FA) LineGadgetHeight(4, 50, 20, 200, $0501FA) Repeat Event=WaitWindowEvent() If Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"> <p><a name="33"></a></p><h2 align="center">Закругленные углы в Box</h2><br> <center><img src="img/box.png" width="262" height="285" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> img = CreateImage(0,256,256,24) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) Box(0,0,256,256,#White) StopDrawing() pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID,0,#Blue) brush = CreateSolidBrush_(#Blue) hdc = CreateCompatibleDC_(#Null) SelectObject_(hdc, img) SelectObject_(hdc, pen) SelectObject_(hdc, brush) RoundRect_(hdc, 20,20,236,236,20,20) DeleteDC_(hdc) OpenWindow(0,0,0,256,256,"Заголовок",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) ImageGadget(0,0,0,0,0,ImageID(0)) Repeat Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <center><img src="img/box_2.png" width="206" height="179" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> CreateImage(0,105,30) hdc = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) DrawingMode(1) FrontColor($0000FF) RoundRect_(hdc,5,5,100,25,5,5) DrawText(25, 7, "Hello !!!", #White) StopDrawing() OpenWindow(0,0,0,200,150,"",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) ; imagebrush=CreatePatternBrush_(ImageID(0)) ; SetClassLong_(WindowID(0),#GCL_HBRBACKGROUND,imagebrush) ImageGadget(0,50,50,0,0,ImageID(0)) Repeat Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <center><img src="img/box_3.png" width="206" height="179" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> Procedure RoundedBox(X, Y, W, H, R, Col) X2 = X+r Y2 = Y+r W2 = W-R*2 H2 = H-R*2 Box(X2, Y, W2, R, Col) Box(X, Y2, W, H2, Col) Box(X2,Y2+H2, W2, R, Col) Circle(X2, Y2, R, Col) Circle(X2, Y2+H2-1, R, Col) Circle(X2+W2-1, Y2, R, Col) Circle(X2+W2-1, Y2+H2-1, R, Col) EndProcedure OpenWindow(0,0,0,200,150,"",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) CreateImage(0,200, 200) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) RoundedBox(10, 10,100,30, 10, #Blue) DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) DrawText(35, 17, "Hello !!!", #White) StopDrawing() ImageGadget(0, 50, 50, 100, 30, ImageID(0)) Repeat Event = WaitWindowEvent() If Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Quit = 1 EndIf Until Quit = 1 </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <center><img src="img/box_4.png" width="206" height="179" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> Procedure RoundedBox(X, Y, W, H, R, Col,wcol) X2 = X+r Y2 = Y+r W2 = W-R*2 H2 = H-R*2 Box(x,y,w,h,wcol) Box(X2, Y, W2, R, Col) Box(X, Y2, W, H2, Col) Box(X2,Y2+H2, W2, R, Col) Circle(X2, Y2, R, Col) Circle(X2, Y2+H2-1, R, Col) Circle(X2+W2-1, Y2, R, Col) Circle(X2+W2-1, Y2+H2-1, R, Col) EndProcedure OpenWindow(0,0,0,200,150,"",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) iw=100 ih=70 a$="Hello !!!" R=10 ; radius wcol=$FFFF00 SetWindowColor(0,wcol) ; должны сначала установить ! ;wcol=GetWindowColor(0) col=$00FFFF ; box color CreateImage(0,iw,ih) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) RoundedBox(0, 0,iw,ih,R,col,wcol) DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) DrawText((iw-TextWidth(a$))/2,(ih-TextHeight(a$))/2,a$,0) StopDrawing() ImageGadget(0, 20, 20, 20+iw,20+ih, ImageID(0)) Repeat Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <center><img src="img/box_5.png" width="206" height="179" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> Procedure RoundedBox(X, Y, W, H, R,FrT,FrC,FiC) Box(X,Y,W,H,GetWindowColor(0)) ;Windows background color in case of Image output ;Box(0, 0, 200,150,$B5D4E6) Circle(X+R,Y+R, R,FrC) Circle(X+R,Y+R, R-FrT,FiC) Circle(X+W-R,Y+R,R,FrC) Circle(X+W-R,Y+R,R-FrT,FiC) Circle(X+R,Y+H-R,R,FrC) Circle(X+R,Y+H-R,R-FrT,FiC) Circle(X+W-R,Y+H-R,R,FrC) Circle(X+W-R,Y+H-R,R-FrT,FiC) Box(X+R,Y,W-2*R,H,FrC) Box(X+R,Y+FrT,W-2*R,H-2*FrT,FiC) Box(X,Y+R,W,H-2*R,FrC) Box(X+FrT,Y+R,W-2*FrT,H-2*R,FiC) EndProcedure X = 50 Y = 45 W = 100 H = 40 If H > W Swap H,W EndIf R = 12 ; radius a$ = "Hello !!!" FiC=$01FFFE ;Fill Color FrC=$FD0202 ;Frame Color FrT=4 ;Frame Thickness If H < 3*R R = H/3 EndIf OpenWindow(0,0,0,200,150,"",#PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) ; StartDrawing(WindowOutput(0)) ; RoundedBox(X,Y,W,H,R,FrT,FrC,FiC) ; DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) ; Draw Text need more care (Get text length in pixels and calculate the position exact) ; DrawText((W-TextWidth(a$))/2,(H-TextHeight(a$))/2,a$,$FD0202) ; StopDrawing() SetWindowColor(0,$B5D4E6) CreateImage(0,W,H) StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) RoundedBox(0,0,W,H,R,FrT,FrC,FiC) DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) ;Draw Text need more care (Get text length in pixels and calculate the position exact) DrawText((W-TextWidth(a$))/2,(H-TextHeight(a$))/2,a$,$FD0202) StopDrawing() ;ButtonImageGadget(0, 20, 20, W+2*FrT,H+2*FrT, ImageID(0)) ImageGadget(0, 20, 20, 20+W,20+H, ImageID(0)) Repeat Until WaitWindowEvent()=#PB_Event_CloseWindow </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <center><img src="img/box_6.png" width="366" height="229" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> CreateImage(0,320,120 ) hdc = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) Box(0,0,320,120,$000000) DrawingMode(900) FrontColor($6C6C6C) RoundRect_(hdc,10,10,300,100,10,10) LineXY(25, 40, 280, 40, $6C6C6C) StopDrawing() If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 360, 200, "Заголовок", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_MaximizeGadget| #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowColor(0, $ffffff) EndIf ImageGadget(77,20,20,0,0,ImageID(0)) Repeat Event=WaitWindowEvent() If Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <p><a name="44"></a></p><h2 align="center">Процедура таймер</h2> <center><img src="img/taimer.png" width="256" height="129" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> ; //////////////////////////////////Таймер////////////////////////////// Global a,b Procedure.s Secundomer() ;- Сама процедура таймера - всего 3 строчки! a+1 If a=10:a=0:b=b+1:EndIf SetGadgetText(30,FormatDate("%ii:%ss", b)+":"+ Str(a)) EndProcedure ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 250, 100, "Заголовок", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowColor(0, $131313) TextGadget(30, 165, 30, 45, 15, "00:00:0") HyperLinkGadget(31, 25, 20, 80, 15, "Старт",RGB(167, 72, 2)) HyperLinkGadget(32, 25, 60, 80, 15, "Стоп",RGB(167, 72, 2)) For h=30 To 32 SetGadgetColor(h, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, $055AE6) SetGadgetColor(h, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, $131313) Next h Repeat Delay (1) Event= WaitWindowEvent() Window=EventWindow() Gadget=EventGadget() Select Event Case #PB_Event_Gadget Select EventGadget() Case 31 a=0:b=0 StartTimer( 1 , 100 , @Secundomer()) Case 32 EndTimer(1) EndSelect EndSelect If Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <a href="http://purebasic.info/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=8391&highlight=%D1%E0%EC%E0#8391"> http://purebasic.info</a><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br> <p><a name="55"></a></p><h2 align="center">Часы</h2> <center><img src="img/clok.png" width="256" height="129" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> ;////////////////////////////////////Часы///////////////////////////////////////// Procedure Clok() LoadFont(777,"Arial",8) StartDrawing( WindowOutput(0) ) DrawingFont(FontID(777)) DrawingMode(777) Box(100, 50, 45, 15, $131313) FrontColor($055AE6) DrawText(100,50,FormatDate("%hh:%ii:%ss", Date() )) StopDrawing() EndProcedure ; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 250, 100, "Заголовок", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowColor(0, $131313) For i=1 To 250 WindowEvent() Next i Delay(10) Repeat Event= WaitWindowEvent() ;-------------------вывод часы-------------------- If zeit$<>FormatDate("%ss", Date() ) zeit$=FormatDate("%ss", Date() ) Clok() EndIf ;-------------------------------------------------- If Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> <p><a name="66"></a></p><h2 align="center">Кнопка триггер</h2> <center><img src="img/triger.png" width="256" height="129" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 250, 100, "Заголовок", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) ButtonGadget(1, 20, 20, 80, 20, "кнопка 1") ButtonGadget(2, 20, 50, 80, 20, "кнопка 2") TextGadget(77, 135, 20, 250, 15, "позиция 1") TextGadget(78, 135, 50, 250, 15, "позиция 3") Repeat Event= WaitWindowEvent() Select Event Case #PB_Event_Gadget Select EventGadget() Case 1 Toggle = Toggle ! 1 If Toggle SetGadgetText(77,"позиция 2") Else SetGadgetText(77,"позиция 1") EndIf Case 2 Toggle = Toggle ! 1 If Toggle SetGadgetText(78,"позиция 4") Else SetGadgetText(78,"позиция 3") EndIf EndSelect EndSelect If Event=#PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> Свершилось - вся эта ерунда ( с альфа каналом ) в PureBasic 4.40 <b>не нужна</b>.<br><br> Все и так прекрасно работает. Ура ! <p><a name="77"></a></p><h2 align="center">Альфа канал</h2><br> <center><img src="img/alfa.png" width="406" height="329" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center><br> Изображения с альфа каналом, формат PNG-24 <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> UsePNGImageDecoder() Declare WindowProc(hwnd, msgw,f,g ) Global image = CatchImage(#PB_Any, ?img, ?imgend-?img) Global image2 = CatchImage(#PB_Any, ?img2, ?img2end-?img2) Global image3 = CatchImage(#PB_Any, ?img3, ?img3end-?img3) Global image4 = CatchImage(#PB_Any, ?img4, ?img4end-?img4) Global image5 = CatchImage(#PB_Any, ?img5, ?img5end-?img5) Global base = CreateImage(#PB_Any, 400,300,#PB_Image_DisplayFormat) OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 400, 300, "Window_0", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowCallback(@WindowProc()) Repeat Event= WaitWindowEvent() Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Procedure WindowProc(hwnd, msgw,f,g) result=#PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents Select msgw Case #WM_PAINT hdc = BeginPaint_(hwnd, ps.PAINTSTRUCT) dcOut = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(base)) BitBlt_(dcOut, 0,0,ImageWidth(base),ImageHeight(base),hdc,0,0,#SRCCOPY) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(image),0,0) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(image2),0,0) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(image4),70,40) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(image3),100,80) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(image5),230,160) StopDrawing() dcIn = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(base)) BitBlt_(hdc, 0,0,ImageWidth(base),ImageHeight(base),dcIn,0,0,#SRCCOPY) StopDrawing() EndPaint_(hwnd, ps) result=0 EndSelect ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure DataSection img: IncludeBinary "фон.png" imgend: img2: IncludeBinary "Adium.png" img2end: img3: IncludeBinary "alphatest.png" img3end: img4: IncludeBinary "Butterfly.png" img4end: img5: IncludeBinary "Compute.png" img5end: EndDataSection </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> Скачать <a href="fail/alfa.rar">архив</a> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> <center><img src="img/alfa_2.png" width="326" height="289" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> UsePNGImageDecoder() Enumeration #window #logo #logo2 EndEnumeration Procedure Paintaa(WindowID, Message, wParam, lParam) If Message = #WM_PAINT If StartDrawing(WindowOutput(#window)) Box(0, 0, 320, 320, GetSysColor_(#COLOR_3DFACE)) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(#logo), 40, 40) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(#logo2), 120, 40) StopDrawing() EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents EndProcedure If OpenWindow(#window, #PB_Any, #PB_Any, 320, 260, "PureBasic Window", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered) SetWindowCallback(@Paintaa()) LoadImage(#logo, "gimp_logo.png") If StartDrawing(WindowOutput(#window)) Box(0, 0, 160, 160, GetSysColor_(#COLOR_3DFACE)) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(#logo), 0, 0) StopDrawing() EndIf LoadImage(#logo2, "Adium.png") If StartDrawing(WindowOutput(#window)) Box(80, 50, 160, 160, GetSysColor_(#COLOR_3DFACE)) DrawAlphaImage(ImageID(#logo2), 80, 50) StopDrawing() EndIf Repeat Event = WaitWindowEvent() If Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Quit = 1 EndIf Until Quit = 1 EndIf End </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> Скачать <a href="fail/png_2.rar">архив</a><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> <p><a name="88"></a></p><h2 align="center">Геометрические фигуры</h2><br> <center><img src="img/figyri.png" width="606" height="429" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center><br> <div class="con3"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> Procedure.d Radian(degreeAngle.d) ProcedureReturn ASin(1) / 90 * degreeAngle EndProcedure Procedure Pie(dc, x, y, w, h, angleStart, angleEnd, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисуем (круг / эллипс сектор) ; Создает кистью и пером If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Рассчитывает измерения углов http://www.purebasic.fr/english/viewtopic.php?t=13845 midx = w / 2 midy = h / 2 sx = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midx sy = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midy ex = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midx ey = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midy Pie_(dc, x, y, x + w, y + h, ex + x, ey + y, sx + x, sy + y) If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure RoundRectangle(dc, x, y, w, h, roundedWidth, roundedHeight, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисует прямоугольник с закругленными углами If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Рисует прямоугольник с закругленными углами RoundRect_(dc, x, y, x + w, y + h, roundedWidth, roundedHeight) If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Arc(dc, x, y, w, h, angleStart, angleEnd, outlineColor) ; Рисуем дугу If outlineColor < 0 : outlineColor = 0 : EndIf pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) SelectObject_(dc, pen) ; Рассчитываем измерения угла midx = w / 2 midy = h / 2 sx = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midx sy = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midy ex = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midx ey = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midy ; Рисует дугу Arc_(dc, x, y, x + w, y + h, ex + x, ey + y, sx + x, sy + y) DeleteObject_(pen) EndProcedure Procedure Chord(dc, x, y, w, h, angleStart, angleEnd, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ;Обращает аккорде (круг / эллипс разделе) If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Рассчитываеv измерения угла midx = w / 2 midy = h / 2 sx = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midx sy = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleStart / 360) + midy ex = 0 - (0 - midy) * Sin((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midx ey = (0 - midy) * Cos((2 * #PI) * angleEnd / 360) + midy Chord_(dc, x, y, x + w, y + h, ex + x, ey + y, sx + x, sy + y) If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Triangle(dc, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисует треугольник - с помощью функции API Polygon_ If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Создает многоугольник массив Dim PolygonArray.l(5) PolygonArray(0) = x1 PolygonArray(1) = y1 PolygonArray(2) = x2 PolygonArray(3) = y2 PolygonArray(4) = x3 PolygonArray(5) = y3 ; Рисует треугольник Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), 3) If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Parallelogram(dc, x, y, w, h, xPush, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисует параллелограмм - с помощью функции API Polygon_ If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Создает параллелограмм массив Dim PolygonArray.l(7) PolygonArray(0) = x PolygonArray(1) = y PolygonArray(2) = x + xPush PolygonArray(3) = y + h PolygonArray(4) = x + xPush + w PolygonArray(5) = y + h PolygonArray(6) = x + w PolygonArray(7) = y ; Рисует параллелограмм Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), 4) ; Deletes the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Trapezium(dc, upperX, upperW, lowerX, lowerW, y, h, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисует трапецию - с помощью функции API Polygon_ If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Creates the polygon array Dim PolygonArray.l(7) PolygonArray(0) = upperX PolygonArray(1) = y PolygonArray(2) = lowerX PolygonArray(3) = y + h PolygonArray(4) = lowerX + lowerW PolygonArray(5) = y + h PolygonArray(6) = upperX + upperW PolygonArray(7) = y ; Draws the trapezium Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), 4) ; Deletes the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Rhombus(dc, x, y, w, h, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисует ромба - с помощью функции API Polygon_ ; Creates the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Creates the polygon array Dim PolygonArray.l(7) PolygonArray(0) = Int((x + x + w) / 2) PolygonArray(1) = y PolygonArray(2) = x PolygonArray(3) = Int((y + y + h) / 2) PolygonArray(4) = Int((x + x + w) / 2) PolygonArray(5) = y + h PolygonArray(6) = x + w PolygonArray(7) = Int((y + y + h) / 2) ; Draws the rhombus Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), 4) ; Deletes the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Cross(dc, x, y, w, h, verticalX, verticalW, horizontalY, horizontalH, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1) ; Рисуем крест- using the Polygon_ API function ; NOTE: you can center verticalX and/or horizontalY by giving them a value less than zero ; Creates the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) If verticalX < 0 : verticalX = Int((w - verticalW) / 2) : EndIf If horizontalY < 0 : horizontalY = Int((h - horizontalH) / 2) : EndIf ; Creates the polygon array Dim PolygonArray.l(23) PolygonArray(0) = x + verticalX + verticalW PolygonArray(1) = y PolygonArray(2) = x + verticalX PolygonArray(3) = y PolygonArray(4) = x + verticalX PolygonArray(5) = y + horizontalY PolygonArray(6) = x PolygonArray(7) = y + horizontalY PolygonArray(8) = x PolygonArray(9) = y + horizontalY + horizontalH PolygonArray(10) = x + verticalX PolygonArray(11) = y + horizontalY + horizontalH PolygonArray(12) = x + verticalX PolygonArray(13) = y + h PolygonArray(14) = x + verticalX + verticalW PolygonArray(15) = y + h PolygonArray(16) = x + verticalX + verticalW PolygonArray(17) = y + horizontalY + horizontalH PolygonArray(18) = x + w PolygonArray(19) = y + horizontalY + horizontalH PolygonArray(20) = x + w PolygonArray(21) = y + horizontalY PolygonArray(22) = x + verticalX + verticalW PolygonArray(23) = y + horizontalY ; Draws the cross Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), 12) ; Deletes the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure Procedure RegularPolygon(dc, x, y, size, numSides, outlineColor = -1, fillColor = -1, startAngle.f = 0, enableStar = 0, distanceFromEdge.f = -1) ; Draws Звезду - using the Polygon_ API function ; Let enableStar = 1 to draw stars, let distanceFromEdge < 0 to use the standard distance ; Creates the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : pen = CreatePen_(#PS_SOLID, 1, outlineColor) : Else : pen = GetStockObject_(#NULL_PEN) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : brush = CreateSolidBrush_(fillColor) : Else : brush = GetStockObject_(#NULL_BRUSH) : EndIf SelectObject_(dc, pen) SelectObject_(dc, brush) ; Calculates angle stuff If numSides < 3 : numSides = 3 : EndIf If enableStar : enableStar = 1 : EndIf startAngle = 360 - startAngle anglePoint.f = 360 / numSides / (enableStar + 1) If Not enableStar : startAngle + (anglePoint / 2) : EndIf If enableStar : startAngle - 180 : EndIf While startAngle < 0 : startAngle + 360 : Wend While startAngle > 360 : startAngle - 360 : Wend ; Creates the polygon array polyCount.w = numSides * (enableStar + 1) Dim PolygonArray.l(polyCount * 2) midx = (size / 2) + x midy = (size / 2) + y If distanceFromEdge < 0 : distanceFromEdge = 0.62 : Else : distanceFromEdge * 0.01 : EndIf For a = 1 To polyCount ; Calculates the angle measurements of the actual point anglePos = anglePoint * a + startAngle + 180 While anglePos > 360 : anglePos - 360 : Wend sx = midx - Sin(Radian(anglePos)) * (size / 2) sy = midy - Cos(Radian(anglePos)) * (size / 2) If (enableStar And a & 1) distance = Sqr(Pow(sx - midx, 2) + Pow(sy - midy, 2)) sx + Sin(Radian(anglePos)) * distanceFromEdge * distance sy + Cos(Radian(anglePos)) * distanceFromEdge * distance EndIf PolygonArray((2 * a) - 2) = sx PolygonArray((2 * a) - 1) = sy Next a ; Draws the regular polygon/star Polygon_(dc, @PolygonArray(), polyCount) ; Deletes the brush and the pen If outlineColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(pen) : EndIf If fillColor >= 0 : DeleteObject_(brush) : EndIf EndProcedure CreateImage(0, 580, 380) dc = StartDrawing(ImageOutput(0)) ; Функции рисования необходимо дескриптор контекста устройства выходной FillArea(0, 0, -1, GetSysColor_(#COLOR_BTNFACE)) Pie(dc, 0, 0, 120, 120, 90, 225, -1, RGB(255, 0, 0)) RoundRectangle(dc, 0, 180, 180, 90, 40, 40, -1, RGB(0, 168, 255)) Arc(dc, 280, 0, 200, 100, 225, 45, RGB(0, 0, 0)) Chord(dc, 280, 120, 100, 100, 135, 300, -1, RGB(255, 128, 0)) Triangle(dc, 150, 80, 200, 0, 250, 80, -1, RGB(0, 0, 255)) Parallelogram(dc, 150, 110, 100, 50, -20, -1, RGB(0, 200, 0)) Trapezium(dc, 25, 100, 0, 150, 280, 80, -1, RGB(0, 255, 128)) Rhombus(dc, 180, 220, 150, 100, -1, RGB(255, 255, 0)) Cross(dc, 400, 50, 150, 200, -1, 40, 60, 40, -1, RGB(200, 200, 200)) RegularPolygon(dc, 340, 200, 100, 5, -1, RGB(0, 128, 64), 0, 1, -1) RegularPolygon(dc, 450, 270, 100, 8, -1, RGB(0, 64, 238), 30) StopDrawing() OpenWindow(0, 10, 10, 600, 400, "Drawing different shapes", #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SystemMenu) ImageGadget(1, 10, 10, 580, 380, ImageID(0)) Repeat : Until WaitWindowEvent() = #PB_Event_CloseWindow End </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> <p><a name="99"></a></p><h2 align="center">Заставка перед стартом программы </h2> <center><img src="img/489537.jpg" width="400" height="347" alt="Уроки PureBasic"></center><br> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> ;////////////////////////////Заставка перед стартом программы////////////////////////// UsePNGImageDecoder() hWnd = OpenWindow(0,0,0, 500, 434, "Window Name", #WS_POPUP|#PB_Window_Invisible|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered) hBitmap = LoadImage(0, "489537.png") SkinWin(hWnd, hBitmap) HideWindow(0,#False) Delay(1000); время работы заставки ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> Время показа заставки определяется параметром <b>Delay(1000)</b><br><br> Код разместить перед основным кодом программы.<br><br> Скачать <a href="fail/zastavka.rar">архив</a><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic"><br><br> <p><a name="100"></a></p><h2 align="center">Определение положения курсора в пределах окна</h2> <div class="con"> <plaintext id="PureBasic"> ;-----Определение положения курсора в пределах окна-------- ; ; Правый клик ; ; Двойной левый ;---------------------------------------------------------- Enumeration #Window_0 EndEnumeration Global hhook Procedure MouseProc(nCode, wParam, lParam) *ms.MOUSEHOOKSTRUCT = lParam SetGadgetText(0, "x: "+Str(*ms\pt\x)) SetGadgetText(1, "y: "+Str(*ms\pt\y)) x.s= "x="+Str(*ms\pt\x) y.s= "y="+Str(*ms\pt\y) If wParam = #WM_RBUTTONUP result = 1 MessageRequester("Message", "Нажата правая кнопка "+Chr(10)+" "+x+" "+y , 0) Else result = 0 EndIf If wParam = #WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK result = 1 MessageRequester("Message", "Двойной клик левой "+Chr(10)+" "+x+" "+y , 0) Else result = 0 EndIf ;If wParam = #WM_LBUTTONUP ;result = 1 ;MessageRequester("Message", "Клик левой "+Chr(10)+" "+x+" "+y , 0) ;Else ;result = 0 ;EndIf ProcedureReturn result EndProcedure hInstance = GetModuleHandle_(0) OpenWindow (#Window_0, 0, 0, 1000, 800, "Заглавие", #PB_Window_MinimizeGadget | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered ) WindowID = WindowID(#Window_0) TextGadget(0, 4, 4, 48, 24, "x: ") TextGadget(1, 4, 32, 48, 24, "y: ") lpdwProcessId = GetWindowThreadProcessId_(WindowID, 0) hhook = SetWindowsHookEx_(#WH_MOUSE, @MouseProc(), hInstance, lpdwProcessId) Repeat Event = WaitWindowEvent() If Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow Break EndIf ForEver </plaintext> </div><br><br><br> <img src="img/lin.jpg" width="700" height="20" alt="Уроки PureBasic" </div> </div> <!-- copyright (t4) --><div align="center">Используются технологии <a href="http://www.ucoz.ru/" title="Создать сайт бесплатно"><b>uCoz</b></a><br /></div><!-- /copyright --> </body> </html>